What is Electrocoating?!

Electrocoating, also known as E-coating, is an immersion painting process in which charged paint particles are attracted to an oppositely charged metallic surface. E-coating was first patented in 1917 by General Electric and began to take off in the late 1950s, with the first commercial system beginning its operation in 1963.
What are the advantages of electrocoat systems?

TTX customers choose to electrocoat because of its efficiency and durability. Immersion ensures 100% coverage of complex parts, as well as uniform thickness with no runs or sags. This, in turn, ensures superior corrosion protection. The consistent, controlled application of electrocoating nearly eliminates the need for manual touch-ups.
TTX customers get the skill and know-how of a world leader in E-coat technology. Therma-Tron-X's systems are designed to enhance paint circulation without clumping, settling, or foaming. They are also equipped with an array of energy-conserving features.
E-coat System options:​​
• Sliderail Square Transfer®
• Programmable Hoist
• Monorail​
• Conveyor
• Custom combinations
• Power and Free​