Introduced in 1990, the Therma-Tron-X Econ-E-Coat® system offers high density throughput and has similar features to the TTX SLIDERAIL SQUARE TRANSFER® system, but in a smaller work envelope. Specifically designed to be portable, the modular unit can be relocated easily. The Econ-E-Coat® system provides the same high quality and durability as the SST®, with many having accumulated more than 100,000 hours of operation.
Features and specifications:
Shipping size: semi-trailer/ocean container
Indexing monorail carousel load/unload conveyor loop
Automatic transfer from load/unload stations
Automated SST® material handling system
Coating capacity: 50-150 square feet per load, up to 3,000 square feet per hour, 6 million square feet per year per shift
Multi-stage phosphate or conversion coating pretreatment system
Immersion anodic or cathodic E-coat paint application with ultra-filtration, temperature control and rectifier
Automatic paint feed based on square feet of surface processed
3 stage recirculated immersion post rinse
Glass-enclosed pretreatment, E-coat and post rinse section provides improved safety and better plant environment
Bottom entry/exit dehydration/cure oven is mounted above the tank section
Forced-air cooling tunnel
Integrated utility area for hydraulic unit
PLC controlled with color HMI touch screen.
Available support equipment can include:
Batch or continuous-flow wastewater treatment system
Reverse osmosis water generation unit
Automatic chemical feed for the pretreatment section
Process data management system
Not only does the Econ-E-Coat fit into a small space, its compact shipping size makes it easy to relocate. The Econ-E-Coat system comes complete with all the necessary components and is easy to install. In addition, design flexibility allows TTX to modify the Econ-E-Coat to suit the customers exact process requirements.
Practical Application
A flexible machine with a small footprint, the Econ-E-Coat is all-inclusive and utilizes the patented SlideRail Square Transfer® material handling system. The Econ-E-Coat handles high density electrocoating, autodeposition coating, pretreatment and heat treating operations with ease.
Cost Effectiveness
Electrocoating itself provides total coverage and is ideal for high productivity, uniform coating and low rejection rate. Due to the Econ-E-Coat’s small footprint, ease of maintenance and overall system reliability, TTX’s proven technology has enabled many shops to do their own finishing work. This reduces supply chain time and logistics costs.