Therma-Tron-X is the world leading manufacturer of E-coat systems. TTX’s patented designs and technological advancements in E-coat have revolutionized the industry. From the footprint to the material handling; from tank construction to the chemical feed, TTX designs systems to specification.
Electrocoating, also known as E-coating, is an immersion painting process in which charged paint particles are attracted to an oppositely charged metallic surface. E-coating was first patented in 1917 by General Electric, and began to take off in the late 1950’s, with the first commercial system beginning its operation in 1963.
The first step in the E-coating process is pretreatment, where the metal is cleaned, and the surface is prepared for the E-coat application. From there, the metal goes through an electrocoat bath consisting of deionized water and paint solids. These paint solids consist of resin, which provides corrosion protection and strength, and pigments, which promote color and gloss. The next step is post-rinsing, which enhances the quality of the coating. As paint is deposited in the E-coat process, it forms a coating, which insulates the metal from the surrounding charged solution. The E-coat process continues until the coating reaches the desired thickness. When the metal starts to exit the bath, the access paint is rinsed off and recirculated into the tank for higher efficiency rates. Once the metal exits the rinse stage, it is moved to a bake oven to cure the paint.
TTX customers choose to E-coat because of its versatility and durability. Immersion ensures 100 percent coverage of complex parts, as well as uniform thickness with no runs or sags. This in turn ensures superior corrosion protection. Consistent, controlled application nearly eliminates the need for manual touch-ups.
TTX customers get the skill and know-how of a world leader in E-coat technology. Therma-Tron-X's systems are designed to enhance paint circulation without clumping, settling, or foaming. They are also equipped with an array of energy-conserving features.
E-coat System options:
What is electrocoating?
How does electrocoating work?
What are the advantages of electrocoat systems?
Our customers choose to E-coat because of its efficiency and durability. Immersion ensures 100 percent coverage of complex parts, as well as uniform thickness with no runs or sags. This in turn ensures superior corrosion protection. Consistent, controlled application nearly eliminates the need for manual touchups.
Practical Application
Approximately 98 percent of automobiles produced worldwide are primed with
electrocoating and there are thousands of electrocoating tanks installed around the world. Due to its ability to coat complex parts, electrocoating is used as a way to coat a variety of products like transformers, metal office furniture, fixtures, and marine components.
Cost Effectiveness
Electrocoating is one of the least expensive finishes available and is an economical way to paint high volume parts. Electrocoating utilizes 95-99 percent of the coating with very low VOCs, making it a green technology. It also allows users to rack parts densely while still achieving even application. In addition, a single employee can often manage E-coat systems.